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privacy policy


Collection / purpose of use

The personal information collected when making inquiries will be used only for the purpose of accurately responding to inquiries from customers and as a reply destination for inquiries, and will not be used for any other purpose.

Disclosure, correction, addition, deletion of collected personal information
You can request disclosure of personal information collected by us in accordance with the procedures separately set by us, with exceptions. In that case, a disclosure fee may be charged.
In addition, you can request corrections, additions, and deletions according to the procedures established by us.


Safety management
For personal information collected from customers, we will set up an administrator to protect personal information and implement appropriate safety management measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc.


Provision / deposit / shared use
Personal information collected from customers will not be provided to third parties without the consent of the customer, with exceptions. In addition, we may deposit to a subcontractor to the extent necessary to achieve an accurate response to inquiries. In addition, we may share the name of the business partner, the type of information, and the name of the administrator after disclosing it to the customer.


Compliance with laws and other norms
In order to protect personal information, we will comply with various laws and regulations related to our business and other related norms.
I agree to the above handling.

Notation based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Law

Operation manager: Tsuru Amayama




Email address: noranee2017 *

(Please change * to @)


Sales URL:


How to apply: Apply online


Payment method: PayPal payment from your country of residence


Delivery time of the product: We will deliver it by e-mail after the payment is completed.


Refund Cancellation: In principle, we do not accept cancellations or refunds for customer convenience after purchase.


* Regarding the above items, if there is a request at the time of transaction, we will present it without delay.

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